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Arise & Shine

Cleanse Corner

Arise & Shine Cleansing experiences, diaries, comments and ideas related to living a healthy and natural lifestyle.

Working out while Cleansing

You can work out lightly during your Cleanse. By the second week, you should go to non-aerobic forms of exercise like light yoga, Tai Chi, walking or gentle swimming. Jogging, rebounding or any activity that creates a bouncing of the intestine is not recommended.... READ FULL POST

Why choose Arise & Shine?

Why choose Arise & Shine? At Arise & Shine, we are all about healthy living. We are here to support your shift to a healthier lifestyle with resources to do just that. Our Cleanse products, Cleanse 28® and Cleanse 14®, are much more than a simple colon... READ FULL POST

Who should not Cleanse?

Children and those who cannot pass the pH test should not Cleanse. Pregnant and lactating women should wait to Cleanse until after the child has been born and weaned. People with diabetes and other serious health conditions should not Cleanse unless closely supervised... READ FULL POST

What should I expect when cleansing?

Initial Cleansing Signals You may feel weak or tired as your body signals that it has started releasing toxins in the early stages of cleansing, . You might also experience mild to moderate cleansing reactions. These may include headache, fatigue, nausea, gas,... READ FULL POST

What is cleansing?

Cleansing refers to the process of removing toxins, debris and waste from the colon and intestines, digestive tract and other bodily organs, tissues and cells. There are many schools of thought about the proper process of cleansing. However, many agree that there... READ FULL POST
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