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Arise & Shine

Arise & Shine Cleanse Corner

Celebrating 30 years of Cleansing!

It was mid-summer of 1989 when I first heard about Arise & Shine and began learning about Cleansing. I was already a big fan of Paavo Airola and juice fasting. So, the concept of giving the digestive system a break wasn’t new to me but it was sounding more and more like a healthy practice. And, finally, the stories from those who had expelled what they described as long rubbery ropes and dark pellets towards the end or shortly after 40 days of fasting on water started to make sense. I realized that they must have experienced the release of “mucoid plaque.” A 40 day water fast never appealed to me, however, cleansing with fresh juices and herbs seemed much more reasonable and manageable. So my journey began and continues to this day. I have enjoyed 30 years of vibrant health. My body is flexible and strong and I lead an active social and business life fueled by a natural lifestyle and routine cleansing.


Grapes and apples are in season right now and are great snacks in moderation anytime.

Update – 30th Anniversary of Cleansing Cleanse (October 16 2019)

Today is day 4 of the Prep Week for my Cleanse 14, aka Pre-Cleanse. It is going very well. I can feel my body already moving  into cleanse mode, so I plan to start the Power Phase on Saturday. I am going to do one week of Power Phase and one week of the Master Phase.

There are several reasons why I am choosing to do a Cleanse 14 this way instead of a Cleanse 28.

  • My diet is pretty clean; consisting mainly of fresh vegetables, some fruits, small amounts of dairy and eggs – usually all organic. So it is an easy transition to a cleansing diet.
  • I have done many, many cleanses over the course of the past 30 years.
  • My schedule is pretty full and 14 days works better for me now.
  • Because of all the cleansing I have done, my lifestyle and diet I feel comfortable doing the Power Phase after 5 or 6 days of prep.

Note: For those who have not done previous cleanses or had a mostly alkaline diet, we strongly recommend at least a good seven days of preparation. We have seen it again and again, that when cleansers prep well and begin with an alkaline body, cleansing reactions are minimized and they report a better release of mucoid plaque.

Update – Ready to Start Power Phase (October 19 2019)

I passed my pH test and after 6 days of preparation which was a strict diet of only alkaline forming foods. I could feel my body going into cleansing mode 2 or 3 days ago so I am going for it today. I have already had 1 herb set and cup of vegetable broth. In a little while I will have a shake.

We always recommend that you carefully pace yourself to minimize cleansing reactions. Many new cleansers begin with Cleanse 28 because it starts out gently with the Mild Phase and allows for one to gradually deepen the Cleanse as the body is ready.

If you would like to follow my progress I am creating a Cleanse Journal (later today) which will include tips and recollections from past cleanses.

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